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Hong Kong's disrupted supply chain labour market sees rise in contract/temporary roles 03 Mar 2020

Caught in the tariff crossfire between Washington and Beijing, Hong Kong is seeing an economic slowdown that has positioned cost-efficiency as a top priority for the region’s supply chain industry. For the labour market, this means slower recruitment activity, a rising preference for hiring contract and temporary workers over permanent staff, and a demand for planning and procurement functions alongside technical knowledge.

Majority of Hong Kong employers keen on hiring overseas returnees, citing 'language and communication skills' a key advantage 03 Mar 2020

The majority of employers across Asia capture the workforce diversity data of those they select and hire, and the majority of employees across Asia believe that the usage of workforce feedback for understanding demographic engagement is a positive thing. However, only half of them are confident that such data is being effectively used to inform their candidate attraction strategy, reveals the latest Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) report by leading recruitment experts Hays.

Wage stagnation and structural changes in the labour market underpin skills mismatch 03 Mar 2020

Recent years have seen a widespread drop in global unemployment rates but what continues to puzzle economists has been the subsequent failure of wage inflation to follow suit. This has created an unusual phenomenon of wage stagnation across global markets, according to the eighth edition of the Hays Global Skills Index (‘the Index’), a report published today by recruitment experts Hays in collaboration with Oxford Economics.

Temporary and contract workers becoming more permanent solutions in Hong Kong 03 Mar 2020

With the local economy growing and business activity increasing, Hong Kong’s employers are looking to the temporary and contracting market to make up for shortfalls in skillsets found in the permanent recruitment market, according to recruiting experts Hays. This is one of the key findings in the Hays Asia Salary Guide 2019, a report that highlights salary and recruiting trends based on responses from Hays Asia operating markets Mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore.

Hong Kong’s employers less confident in recruiting essential talents in 2019 03 Mar 2020

Employers throughout Hong Kong have raised concerns over their ability to find candidates with the skills they require to ensure further development in 2019, according to recruiting experts Hays. This is one of the key findings in the Hays Asia Salary Guide 2019, a report that highlights salary and recruiting trends based on responses from Hays Asia operating markets Mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore.

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