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Hong Kong sees rising uncertainty in job and skills security 19 Mar 2020

Despite having the highest salary satisfaction rates in the region, jobseekers in Hong Kong are becoming increasingly uncertain about job security and the future relevancy of their skills, finds the latest Asia Salary Guide report by leading recruitment experts Hays.

Hong Kong reports highest salary satisfaction in Asia for third year 14 Mar 2020

In a continuing trend, employees in Hong Kong remain the most satisfied with their current compensation packages in the region, finds the latest Asia Salary Guide report by leading recruitment experts Hays. However, this may see a slight change in 2020 as employers expect moderately lower raises when compared to employee expectations for the same.

Hong Kong reports highest salary satisfaction in Asia for third year 14 Mar 2020

In a continuing trend, employees in Hong Kong remain the most satisfied with their current compensation packages in the region, finds the latest Asia Salary Guide report by leading recruitment experts Hays. However, this may see a slight change in 2020 as employers expect moderately lower raises when compared to employee expectations for the same.

Hong Kong's rapid digitalisation spurs skills uncertainty in 2020 13 Mar 2020

While 2019 began as a promising year for recruitment in Asia, the ripple effect of a slowing global economy has seeded uncertainty within the region. This has contributed to a more conservative outlook for hiring and compensation in 2020, finds the latest Asia Salary Guide report by leading recruitment experts Hays. In Hong Kong, employees remain satisfied with their compensation but are growing increasingly uncertain about the relevancy of their skills as the region continues to digitalise.

Coding can future proof careers 06 Mar 2020

As the rate of technological change advances, it’s becoming increasingly important for professionals to learn coding to future proof their careers and plug existing skills gaps, says recruiting experts Hays.

Professionals want praise not perks 04 Mar 2020

Would you rather your boss praised your successes or offered you unwanted perks? According to recruiting experts Hays, most employees prefer the former, which is why organisations could forgo headline-grabbing perks in favour of a simple ‘thank you’ and recognition for a job well done.

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