Jobs & employment blog

Jobs & employment blog

Your career is a journey with many opportunities to explore. As a trusted partner, we guide thousands of professionals and employers through every step of their way. From industry specific insights, interview preparation, to team management and in-demand jobs – we’ve got you covered.



Entries with tag employers .

  Recruiting and selecting new leaders is high stakes, difficult and time consuming, but just as crucial for success is the often neglected on-boarding process. The organisation recruits people to add value and quickly make a positive impact – expectations are high. Meanwhile, the new leader also has high expectations – typically looking for confirmation that they’ve made the right...


Most organisations have a group of senior high potentials – the people who appear in the exec level succession plan and are considered ready (or nearly ready) to move into top roles. They’re a really important group with huge amounts of intellectual, social and cultural capital within the business. The challenge? This group needs to be retained, kept highly engaged and performing – but they...


  As leaders continue to navigate the changes of the pandemic, factors such as extended periods of remote working and a lack of face-to-face collaboration can have a damaging impact on employee productivity.   So today we’re joined by Tim Ringo, award-winning HR consultant and author of the book Solving the Productivity Puzzle. Tim is here to share how...


  At the end of 2019, environmental, social and governance (ESG) momentum around the world was strong – especially with regard to improving the sustainability of many organisations. But then came teh pandemic, forcing many businesses into survival mode. As the world recovers, how can businesses ensure that being greener moves back up the agenda? Over the past few years, businesses...


  Hybrid teams… Hybrid working… Hybrid workplaces… Are these all terms you’ve been hearing more and more recently, but feel unsure about what they truly mean? The pandemic has forced us into a revolutionary new working world   As early as May this year, Gallup reported that the number of people working from home due to the pandemic had increased by 46 per cent. Even...


  The pandemic has upended our working world, impacting labour markets and the expectations professionals have around work – therefore, in order to attract the best talent, the style and tone of your organisation’s job adverts may need to change. For example, to reach relevant job seekers and rank well on search engines, job adverts must include keywords – such as key industry...


  The challenges of the pandemic have forced many businesses to adopt an innovative mindset in order to adapt to new demands in record time. And while many of us look forward to the world returning to what will be the new normal, this way of thinking is something that many organisations will want to hold on to. The year 2020 was one of seismic change for everyone, both at home and at...


  It’s safe to say that the pandemic has thrown talent planning in the air. With increased uncertainty, it is tempting for organisations to focus all efforts on the immediate talent challenges – how to manage remote working and how to create as much job security as possible. These are all important, but we also need to be keeping an eye on the future. We need to be exploring the...


    Updated: 4th August 2020 If you were to ask your employees to work for free, the chances are that most of them would decline the invitation. But apart from telling us what we already know – namely that money is important for putting food on the table – it doesn’t tell us how big a motivating factor it really is once our basic needs are met. There have...


  The new era cohort of school and university leavers are facing unique challenges entering the world of work. What role can employers play in helping the next generation take the first steps of their career journey? One of the lasting legacies of pandemic will be the unprecedented experience of young people who looked for, or started, their very first job during this pandemic. The...


  None of us asked for the iPhone. Just 20 years ago, we were all happy using our mobile phones simply to make calls and send text messages, blissfully unaware of their untapped potential. Fast forward to the present day, and the smartphone is now integral to the functioning of our day-to-day lives. Apple did what all long-standing, successful businesses should do: they anticipated...


  Having transitioned from the chaos we faced in the early days of the pandemic – establishing a ‘new normal’ of remote working, changes in working arrangements, and fighting to keep businesses afloat – leaders in many organisations are looking at how they can be prepared for an uncertain future. For many, this involves a fundamental reappraisal of work, performance and talent, and a...


  Pandemic has driven demand for digital and technology talent globally in 2020.  Here’s how businesses can stand out in a competitive market. Demand for technology talent has evolved rapidly since the start of the pandemic. At first, there was a hugely increased demand for candidates that could enable remote working – people with cloud-based skills that could deploy systems...


  Many organisations have made good progress in improving the diversity of their workforce in recent years. But could understanding and embracing intersectionality help them improve the experience of all employees? Diversity is not a linear issue. As companies seek to be representative of the communities they operate in and that make up their workforce, many still consider their...


  The pandemic has impacted our personal and professional lives to such an extent that many of our daily routines were transformed overnight (or have been transformed over the past 12 months). Many of our habits, our routines and our rituals have changed for good. The events of the past year have also placed a far greater importance on some of the things we perhaps took for granted in...


  Over the past twelve months, Hong Kong’s businesses have born witness to a period of uncertainty and upheaval. It is a state of affairs that is likely to endure into the coming year, says recruiting experts Hays, as part of the territory’s top 10 talent trends for 2021. With unprecedented disruption facing all sectors, one of the most prominent talent trends for the coming year can...


  Take one: You’re kicking off a new strategic project, so you call a meeting with your team. During the meeting, you’re asked a question that challenges your thinking. You’re caught off guard. More “why?” and “what if?” questions are fired your way. You gloss over it. You interject. Things are not headed exactly where you wanted them. You move on to the next item on the agenda. There...


  We were delighted to interview Monica Parker, Founder of HATCH Analytics for our recently released report, Uncovering the DNA of the Future Workplace report. We featured a snippet of Monica’s Q&A in the report with the full Q&A available below. Our report looks at the four core elements we believe will shape workplaces of the future: flexibility, technology, upskilling and...


  “What is Area 51?”, “How to eat pineapple”, “How to floss dance”. These are just three of the most searched for questions and phrases of 2019. In fact, every second of every day, we ask Google over 40,000 of these factual, monotonous, fun, interesting, and, quite frankly, bizarre questions, making it the most visited site on the planet by far.   It’ll be no surprise either...


  Expanding into a new country is a huge milestone for any organisation. It is also one of the most challenging. From finding the right people to forming a balanced team, there are many different factors to consider. In the last few years, Manchester City Football Club has extended from their North West England home to have a presence in places such as Singapore and Abu Dhabi. As...


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