Entries with tag jobseeker .

Since early history, humans have crafted languages in order to communicate better. From the hieroglyphics of the Egyptians to the classical Latin of ancient Rome, languages have evolved and grown into the recognisable tongues we know today. Fast forward to the 21st century and the language that’s becoming more and more popular is that of zeros and ones, of brackets and asterisks, of ampersands...


What technical and soft skills do cyber security professionals need right now? How can you develop and learn the relevant skills to boost your employability? How can you future-proof your career? I recently spoke to some of our cyber security recruitment experts from around the world to find out the answers to these questions, and many more. In this blog, you can read insights and advice from:...


In today’s world, a job interview isn’t just about impressing your potential employer. In the tech sector, where the skills shortage means that plenty of options are available to candidates, organisations are having to prove that they can offer a better opportunity than their competitors. As such, an upcoming job interview allows you to decide whether this is the right role for you. Ensuring...